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Porn Film shot with Drone!
The sky's the limit for the use of the drone, as we learn of yet another function of this trail-blazing technology. Filmmakers may have flipped the script in the art of crafting pornography with the debut of the world's first drone-shot pornographic film, Drone Boning. "We wanted to explore the whole idea of drone privacy and strikes—this idea of 'make porn, not war,'" Brandon LaGanke, one of the creator's, told Vice. "It started as a kind of funny commentary on privacy and voyeurism, but it quickly became a conceptual grounding."

The inspiration for this artistic, and mostly simulated, project seems pretty straightforward. “The plan was to take beautiful landscapes... and just put people f***ing in them,” LaGanke explained of the film, which features characters that are gay, straight, and lesbian.

Some of its performers found comfort on the beach, while others moved to farms, mountains, forests, and roadsides. Filmmakers also diverted the drones to suburban neighborhoods, but residents reportedly shot them down, as they weren't thrilled about it.

"One of the shots was supposed to be in a quiet neighborhood where you see a barbecue happening in someone's backyard," LaGanke continued. "Then, the camera pans over and there's people f***ing in the next yard over."

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