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Filmed gangbang
Just seen an advert on twitter saying:

"Anyone interested on the 29th july need 2 males for a female filmed gangbang hotel already booked cost £20 each let me know."

I have asked location and where film will appear. Check out my last few tweets to the guy. I am!/RealPuntingUK on Twitter.

UPDATE: It is in Birmingham and only 1 space left now!
(06-11-2012, 09:39 AM)Jay K Wrote: Just seen an advert on twitter saying:

"Anyone interested on the 29th july need 2 males for a female filmed gangbang hotel already booked cost £20 each let me know."

I have asked location and where film will appear. Check out my last few tweets to the guy. I am @RealPuntingUK on Twitter.

UPDATE: It is in Birmingham and only 1 space left now!

thanks mate
any offers please email me or go to the following link!/giantcumshooter

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